Day Kimball Hospital provides highly personalized pastoral care, spiritual support, and religious services through the hospital chaplain, The Reverend Jonathan Scott.
Pastoral care such as communion, prayer and the laying on of hands is provided in a respectful, individualized manner to meet each patient's unique spiritual needs and desires, faith, religious background and preference, and ongoing pastoral relationship with local clergy and congregations.
The hospital's Pastoral Care Department visits inpatients on a regular basis. Each Day Kimball Hospital patient receives a pastoral visit nearly every day. These visits include, depending on the needs of the patient and his or her family and friends, the laying on of hands, prayer, the sacraments, attentive listening and pastoral counseling. The department chaplains provide bereavement counseling and support for patients, families and caregivers including end of life issues. These caring and compassionate individuals also assist people in making difficult decisions regarding choices for end-of-life care. The chaplains can also arrange emergency Roman Catholic sacramental coverage.
The Pastoral Care Department is very active in community education regarding advance directives and living wills. Members of the department help patients and their families to understand these important documents, and to make informed decisions. Individuals wishing assistance in completing an advance directive should call the department at (860) 963-6344.
The department's chaplains also visit hospice patients in need of spiritual guidance in their homes. These visits help patients who have become isolated from their congregation or clergy to get "reconnected."
A quiet room is available for patients, their families and friends to use on the hospital's main floor, across the hall from the Women's Board Gift Shop and the Mary Gulden Private Dining Room.
Day Kimball Hospital's Pastoral Care Department is overseen by The Spiritual Care Advisory Committee, a group of local clergy and community members who have been instrumental in establishing a comprehensive pastoral care program at the hospital.
What to Expect
The hospital's chaplain will make every attempt to visit every patient every day.
Patient's specific spiritual needs and desires, faith, religious background and preference, and ongoing pastoral relationship with local clergy and congregations are respected.
If a patient does not have an advance directive or living will and wishes to create one, the Pastoral Care Department can assist him or her to fill one out free of charge.
(860) 963-6344 or
(860) 774-3366, ext. 2644
Rev. Jonathan E. Scott
Third floor,
Day Kimball Hospital,
320 Pomfret Street, Putnam, CT
Enter the hospital through the main Visitors Entrance. Take Elevator B, located across the hall from the Pharmacy, to the third floor. Take a right off of the elevator. The Pastoral Care and Volunteer Services Department will be on your right hand side.
Weekdays: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Emergency coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If a patient needs spiritual or pastoral assistance, there is always a chaplain available to come in and be present in that time of grief and loss.